Effects of Drugs in Our Life

Drugs are surely a real issue to our communities and our social life it has a devastating effect in our life and in our community that we are living in. Drugs also affect our family,friends school/work and our social status in life. here are some effects of of drug in our life.
It Hurts You Physically

First, drug abuse is very actually harmful to your body. Depending on the drug preferred, abuse can lead to lung and cardiovascular disorders, stroke, different kinds of cancer, HIV/AIDS, and Hepatitis B and C.

It Hurts Your Job

No matter the kind of drug you take, abusing that drug can have severe consequences when it comes to landing and keeping a job. In the short term, defective judgment and shortage of sleep from drug use can make you act poorly the duties you’d otherwise excel at.

It Hurts Your Finances

Easily put, drugs cost money. The more you abuse a drug, the more of it you demand to get the same reaction, and therefore, the more money you need to put in to support the obsession.

It Hurts Your Freedom

Crisis with finances, keeping a job, and mental health dilemma are all concern that can basically land a person in jail. Whether it’s by pursuing illegal means of financial yield, carry out crimes due to paranoid delusions, stealing from others to support a habit.

It Hurts Your Family Relationships

Basically, the more someone abuses drugs, the more their preference shift toward their drug of choice. For example, an necessary family event, such as a wedding or baby shower, will much take a backseat to a person’s drug use.

Difference Between Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction

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Image result for drug abuse

While many crowd use the terms drug abuse and addiction interchangeably, abuse and addiction have different and distinct meanings. One can abuse drugs without automatically being addicted to drugs. The drug abuse interpretation focuses more around the action of a person using drugs, while the drug addiction interpretation includes the use of drugs and the psychological and physiological imapacts the drug has on the body.

It’s critical to understand what drug abuse (is an extreme ambition to get, and use, growing amounts of one or more substances. Drug abuse is a universal term for the abuse of any drug, including alcohol and cigarettes) and drug addiction (inefficiency to stop using the drug in spite of plentiful attempts definitions so as to precisely identify problem) actions seen in loved ones. It’s also crucial to remember that alcohol is also a drug and is included in the interpretations of drug abuse and addiction.

Types of Drugs

Drugs can affect every part of your body, drugs can also kill you and destroy your body. Drugs also have different effects in the body once it is used, the effects may differ from the type of drugs, here are some types of drugs.


Image result for heroin

1. Heroin

As a deadly opioid, heroin can lead to seizures, psychosis, and illusion when it is abused. Heroin injections can also transmit diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. This drug is common to cause serious health issues when it is abused because it hinder with the brain’s receptors.

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2. Cocaine

Cocaine is a deadly stimulant even if it is taken in little amounts. It causes euphoria, increased blood pressure, and quicken the heart rate of the user. The abuse of cocaine is also familliar to cause financial, legal, and physical issues.

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3. Hallucinogens

Phencyclidine and Lysergic acid diethylamide are hallucinogens, which means that hallucinogens make users feel, see, and hear things that aren’t real. While they experience illusions with these drugs, users lose touch with the real world and enter mental states of detachment, as if their bodies and minds are not functioning together or connected.

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4. Amphetamines

Quickening the user’s bodily and mental activity, amphetamines can cause frenzied periods of distress in abusers. These periods are usually followed by extreme paranoia, strange behavior, and hallucinations. Some amphetamine abusers become very brutal and attack loved ones accidentally and could get permanent physical changes in appearance, inevitable brain damage, and nerve damage.

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5. Marijuana

Marijuana is the most familliar illegal drug that is abused, and many people start using it as a recreational drug in social positions. Sustain abuse of marijuana can lead to addiction, and the substance can change the physical coordination, memory, and ment action of users over time.



Effects of Drug

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Drugs are indeed are very dangerous substances, it can kill a person if the person get’s addicted to it, also illegal drugs can destroy someones life and affect the addicted person’s family, friends, and social status in life. Here are some effects of Illegal Drug Addiction

Addiction are linked with a broad range of short- and long-term effects. They can differ on the type of drug, the rate of use and the duration of use and the general health of the person

Overall, the effects of illegal drug abuse and dependence can be extensive. They can affect almost every organ in the body.

Side effects of illegal drugs may include:

  • Having a weak immune system
  • Increased rate of illness and infection
  • Developing heart conditions, abnormal heart rate, heart attacks
  • Increased stress on the liver that can cause liver damage and liver failure
  • Convulsion, stroke, mental, brain damage
  • Lung diseases
  • Seizures, stroke, and brain damage

Causes of Drug Addiction

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There are many people that are getting addicted by illegal drugs, and the victims of these addiction are getting younger and younger, but how did they end up getting addicted to illegal drugs. These are some examples of causes of illegal drug addiction.

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1. Psychological Causes of Drug Addiction

Many people still believe psychological aspects comprise the amount of what causes drug addiction. Some of the psychological causes of drug addiction appear to stem from trauma, often when the person is young.

Other psychological causes of drug addiction include:

Lack of friends
Low performance at work or school
Low stress coping skills

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2. Environmental Causes of Drug Addiction

A person’s environment can be part of what causes drug addiction. Drug addiction is more common in environments where drug abuse is seen or where it’s seen as acceptable.

Other environmental factors that can be causes of drug abuse include:

Sports where performance-enhancing drugs are used
Peer pressure
People of lower socioeconomic status are at greater risk of drug addiction
Gender and ethnicity


3. Genetic Causes of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction bear to run in families, genetics may have a role in causing drug addiction. 2 Genetic causes of illegal drug addiction appear to involve multiple gene sequences and science has not yet been able to identify all the genes involved.



Drug Addiction Treatment

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Drug addiction, it is also called substance use disorder, it is a disease that affects the brain of the person and behavior because of illegal drugs. If drug addiction is a disease, those drug addiction also have a treatment?

Drug Addiction Treatment intend’s to help drug addicted person to stop their craving and seeking of drugs.
here are some examples of drug treatments that can help a drug addicted person become drug free.

1. Long term residential treatment
This type of treatment gives care 24 hours each day generally in a non-hospital setting. Addiction is viewed in the context of an persons social and psychological loss, and treatment focuses on establishing personal accountability and responsibility as well as socially productive lives. Treatment is highly structured and can be adversarial at times, with activities designed just to help residents examine damaging beliefs, self-concepts, and destructive patterns of behavior and adopt new and more harmonious and constructive ways to interact with others.

2.Short term residential treatment
This type of Treatment gives intensive but somewhat a brief treatment based on a modified 12-step approach. These programs were originally designed to treat alcohol problems, the original residential treatment model lasted of a 3- to 6-week hospital-based inpatient treatment, followed by extended outpatient therapy and cooperation in a self-help group.

3.Out patient treatment programs
Outpatient treatment varies in the types and intensity of services offered. Such treatment costs less than the residential or inpatient treatment and often is more advisable for people with jobs or considerable social supports.

4. Individualized drug counseling
This type of treatment those not only focuses on decreasing or stopping illegal drug or alcohol use, it also addresses related areas of damaged functioning such as employment status, illegal activity, and family/social relations as well as the content and format of the patient’s recovery program.

5. Group counseling
Many therapeutic settings use group therapy to exploit on the social reinforcement offered by peer discussion and to help advocate drug-free lifestyles.



Prevention on becoming a Drug Addict

There are many people who got involved in illegal drug use and some of them are causing a lot of trouble in our family and our society, if there are only ways that we can prevent a person from being addicted to illegal drugs and luckily there ways to prevent this illegal drug addiction from happening.

The easiest way of being an illegal drug addict is to avoid the illegal drugs itself and other gateway drugs like alcohol and cigarette, but it is easier than done. You can also follow these steps to avoid being an illegal drug addicted person.

1. Don’t be pressured by your peers to use illegal drugs

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Some people, especially teenagers often use illegal drugs to make them look cool in front of other people, they do it for the reason that it can make you popular and be accepted with other teens.

2. Develop a healthy life style

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Having a balanced and healthy diet and exercising regularly in your daily basis is another way of prevention on becoming an addict. Having a healthy lifestyle can reduce the temptation in drugs and alcohol in times of stress.

3. Having a close family relationship

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Having a close family ties can reduce the pressure and stress of life by having someone to talk to and to give you guidance and support that your family can provide in times of pressure and stress.



How to Prevent Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction

Image result for drug addictionsource: WNDU 16

What is Drugs?

              A drug is any substance or chemicals which, when taken into the body, differs the body’s function either physically and/or psychologically. Drugs may be legal (e.g. alcohol, and tobacco) or illegal (e.g. cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin).

Psychoactive drugs affect the central nervous system and differs a person’s mood (mood swings), thinking and behavior. Psychoactive drugs may be divided into four categories: depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens and ‘other’.

What is Drug Addiction?

Addiction is a disorder that affects your brain and behavior. When you’re addicted to drugs, you can’t resist the urge to take them, no matter the consequences and the harm, the drugs may cause.

Drug addiction isn’t about just heroin, cocaine, or other illegal drugs. You can get addicted to alcohol, nicotine, opioid ,painkillers, and other legal substances.



Woman staring at pills

Addiction specialists agree that not everyone who uses drugs or alcohol will progress a problem. Whether or not someone becomes dependent or addicted to a drug depends on many factors that surrounds the person ,other factors include:

  • The age at which the use of illegal drugs started
  • Frequency of use
  • Presence/absence of friend and family support systems
  • Peer pressure
  • Depression


Psychological Effects of Drug Addiction

The psychological effects of drug addiction starts from the reason that the user gets addicted to illegal drugs, also the changes that happens in the brain once the person become dependent or addicted to illegal drugs. Initially, many people start using drugs to cope with stress and depression. One of the effect of drug addiction is a creation of a lifestyle where anytime and anywhere the user faces stress or pain, they feel the need to use the illegal drug. 

Other psychological effects of drug addiction include:

  • Wild mood swings, depression, anxiety, paranoia, violence
  • Decrease in pleasure in everyday life
  • Complication of mental illness
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Psychological tolerance to the drug’s effects creating a desire to increase the amounts of the drug taken.
  • Desire to engage in risky behavior


Physical Effects of Drug Addiction

The physical effects of illegal drugs differ from the type of drugs, but they are commonly seen in all systems of the drug users body. The common physical effect of the illegal drug is in the brain. Drug addiction affects how the brain works. The effects of drugs addiction is because drug, repeatedly fills the brain with chemicals like dopamine and serotonin while taking the illegal drug.

Other physical effects of drug addiction include:

  • Contraction of HIV, hepatitis and other illnesses
  • Heart rate irregularities, heart attack
  • Respiratory problems such as lung cancer, emphysema and breathing problems
  • Abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea
  • Kidney and liver damage
  • Seizures, stroke, brain damage
  • Changes in appetite, body temperature and sleeping patterns


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